Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Welcome 2018

And... done. 2017 is in the books and I'm happy for a fresh start.

Optimistic; surprisingly not depressed - even though I haven't spent any real time outside in days. It has been so unbelievably cold - record-setting, bone chilling; the pets don't even want to go out. I took my first walk of 2018 with my neighbor and the dogs at 5 a.m. It wasn't as bad as I expected, but 20 minutes was plenty. I've had a horrible cold/sinus infection since Christmas. It hasn't laid me flat, but my energy level has been super low.

I confess to watching HOURS of TV. A shout out for The Big Sick and Land Line - two Amazon movies that were simply delightful and well-deserving of their Golden Globe nods... And now I'm done with the binge-fest and I'm pulling a plug; reading a book for the rest of the week. I need to get off my butt, get away from the kitchen and be more productive - regardless of the weather.

Tonight I'm going to yoga; and hopefully tomorrow to spin. I'm trying to set up my "free" three-day trial at the new studio to give me access to the spa. It's been hard because of all the others with self-care resolutions vying for time. I could totally use a sun sauna!

And DIET... hmph... There has been non-existent accountability and I'm afraid for the weight I have put on. Aside from the cold and low energy (and maybe that's all I needed)  APATHY reigns and I hate it. So what's the plan going forward?

Rules for Reinvention

  1. Don't beat yourself up for your problem; it serves a purpose. (trying to figure out what!)
  2. Acknowledge the fear of failing to meet a wanted goal.
  3. List the pros and cons of changing and inventory all the forces working for and against change.
  4. Prepare in advance ways to counter feelings of frustration and discouragement.
  5. Break your goal down into small specific, incremental steps.
  6. Stay attuned to the dream; give yourself regular reminders of the goal.
  7. Align your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with your goal; you might feel fake at first.
  8. Engage in any activity that boosts faith in yourself.
  9. Keep friends around; they lift your mood.
  10. Accept the deep discomfort of uncertainty that change brings; it’s only temporary.
(lifted from Psychology Today, 1/18)

I'm getting it together, keeping in mind all the things that will help me succeed; while planning for frustrations... Obviously there is more... Check back!


Sarah said...

Happy New Year. Great list. I wish you all the best this year.

Love the photos. Too cute LOL

*My Stalker Is Fat* said...

Glad to see that your dog was into the new year spirit :) It's gotten pretty cold here (cold for Florida, anyway), so I won't be outside much until next week when it warms up. Being sick has left me wiped out too, but I signed up for Spinning class next week and hope I am able to make it through.

Anonymous said...

I like that list! It's really cold here in SC, too - we woke up to 10-degree temps this AM. Even when I lived in NJ, I'd call that REALLY cold! Try to stay warm up there. Cute puppy pics. Happy New Year.