Optimistic; surprisingly not depressed - even though I haven't spent any real time outside in days. It has been so unbelievably cold - record-setting, bone chilling; the pets don't even want to go out. I took my first walk of 2018 with my neighbor and the dogs at 5 a.m. It wasn't as bad as I expected, but 20 minutes was plenty. I've had a horrible cold/sinus infection since Christmas. It hasn't laid me flat, but my energy level has been super low.
I confess to watching HOURS of TV. A shout out for The Big Sick and Land Line - two Amazon movies that were simply delightful and well-deserving of their Golden Globe nods... And now I'm done with the binge-fest and I'm pulling a plug; reading a book for the rest of the week. I need to get off my butt, get away from the kitchen and be more productive - regardless of the weather.
Tonight I'm going to yoga; and hopefully tomorrow to spin. I'm trying to set up my "free" three-day trial at the new studio to give me access to the spa. It's been hard because of all the others with self-care resolutions vying for time. I could totally use a sun sauna!
And DIET... hmph... There has been non-existent accountability and I'm afraid for the weight I have put on. Aside from the cold and low energy (and maybe that's all I needed) APATHY reigns and I hate it. So what's the plan going forward?
Rules for Reinvention
- Don't beat yourself up for your problem; it serves a purpose. (trying to figure out what!)
- Acknowledge the fear of failing to meet a wanted goal.
- List the pros and cons of changing and inventory all the forces working for and against change.
- Prepare in advance ways to counter feelings of frustration and discouragement.
- Break your goal down into small specific, incremental steps.
- Stay attuned to the dream; give yourself regular reminders of the goal.
- Align your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with your goal; you might feel fake at first.
- Engage in any activity that boosts faith in yourself.
- Keep friends around; they lift your mood.
- Accept the deep discomfort of uncertainty that change brings; it’s only temporary.
(lifted from Psychology Today, 1/18)
I'm getting it together, keeping in mind all the things that will help me succeed; while planning for frustrations... Obviously there is more... Check back!
Happy New Year. Great list. I wish you all the best this year.
Love the photos. Too cute LOL
Glad to see that your dog was into the new year spirit :) It's gotten pretty cold here (cold for Florida, anyway), so I won't be outside much until next week when it warms up. Being sick has left me wiped out too, but I signed up for Spinning class next week and hope I am able to make it through.
I like that list! It's really cold here in SC, too - we woke up to 10-degree temps this AM. Even when I lived in NJ, I'd call that REALLY cold! Try to stay warm up there. Cute puppy pics. Happy New Year.
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