No complaints, but no a/c and I could not sleep last night. What ever happened to Spring?
I don't remember who's blog I was reading, but the topic was overcoming negativity, whining and complaining. It brought me back to gratitude and an old episode of Oprah about gratitude journals. I have one and I kept a nearly year long streak. It's been a while, but I'm back to appreciating my life for what it is. I wrote 4 things I'm grateful for last night and I'll do it again today.
Nothing comes from whining except sucking the energy from a room. I know we all need to vent at times, but pause and assess how often it happens and to what end?
I broke a tooth yesterday - but I'm grateful for insurance and a competent dentist.
I'm bored at work and tired of drama - but I'm thankful for a paycheck and no commute.
.... It's all how you spin it.
And I really love my dog!
Is your dog a labradoodle?
I am with you on negativity. I think whining and complaining just prolongs the helplessness feeling and does nothing to move you forward. Acknowledge your feelings, yes, but don't dwell.
Gratitude journals are really special. It not only helps you capture your day in a positive way, but shows you just how much goodness is in your life.
Your dog is adorable.
He's adorable!!
Miss Agnes is a Golden Doodle, and seriously - the best smartest, most loving dog ever!
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