Thursday, May 17, 2018

TA DA! 186.5

This morning was my OFFICIAL weigh in. I admit I ate a very low calorie day yesterday (as if I could make up for a week's worth of some bad choices), but it panned out for me and I am pretty happy with 186.5 . It's weird, but the doctor's scale is 2 pounds LOWER than my crappy WW scale at home. That never happens, right? 

I officially lost 8.5 pounds this past month and 17.5 lbs since 4/3. My doctor was super happy with the progress and suggested I keep doing what I'm doing. The losses will probably slow down, but we're next shooting for 5 pounds; to 181. I wasn't able to get to the lab yesterday so won't have T3/ T4 til tomorrow, but I have one more follow up June 14 when the doctor will decide if the weight loss/ diet changes have helped stabilize my thyroid or if med changes are needed. 

I feel motivated and in the groove. I also feel like I need to reset - back to basics again. This is the 5 pounds that could actually be noticed, and I'm hoping for a little bit more than 5... into the 170s?

As for non-scale challenges - I have a pair of black - stretch-less - ankle length pants, that were given to me last fall and I could not button them. Today I can button and zip, but there's no way I'd wear them in public - way too tight. It is my goal that they fit loosely, as intended. Five pounds won't quite get me there, but 15 might... Stay tuned... (and they're Eileen Fisher pants so expensive and cool and why I have to wear them!)


Anonymous said...

wow, you have really blown the doors off. That's nearly 20 pounds in what, like six weeks?! Impressive. Obviously your plan WORKS --- and you are working it. Great job!

*My Stalker Is Fat* said...

Great job! Keep it up.