Friday, July 07, 2017

Moving Along

Overate at our July 4 celebration. The culprit - oatmeal cookies my mom brought. I also had pita chips and cheese... It was a fun time and I'm not going to beat myself up. I moved on to yesterday where I made sure to hit my steps, but also ate too much... The culprit - corn bread, grocery store bakery... It's a weakness and I stupidly went food shopping while hungry, which is never a good idea.

I'm trying not to eat too much today. I'll log it all in MFP. I'll get my steps. Honestly, I've been really tired this week. I make myself get up and walk with my neighbor, but man is it a struggle; and more so than usual. I haven't had any desire to exercise at all... I made it a whole full week of HIIT training and fell off the wagon. Again, I'm tired. I wonder if it has to do with the whole job situation? I think it probably does. I am trying not to ruminate; trying to remain positive; and yet I have this nagging feeling inside. The DH has a few prospects and confided last night that if he doesn't get an offer from one of them, he'll  really be destroyed. Those were his words. It makes me worry, and hope and... yeah, I guess that's why I'm so tired.

On the bright side, the kids are both good. The teen is happy at camp and the little one is keeping very busy; babysitting lots, riding, hanging with friends... typical summer stuff. She's going to camp at the end of the month for 2 weeks (she'll be with her sister) and that's when DH and I are planning a trip to Bar Harbor / Acadia to bike and hang out with friends. Of course, I could be flying solo again if the job situation changes...

For now, I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing... walking the dog, *trying* to exercise and eating good food while focusing on portions... Summer is never a good time for me to lose weight. Life's too unstructured; and my mind is not focused. It bothers me somewhat, but I have to keep telling myself that it's all part of the journey....


Anonymous said...

Stress has a HUGE impact, remember! It affects literally everything. Doesn't surprise me at all that you'd be tired - respond to that by giving yourself whatever rest you can.

Excited/jealous you'll be going to Bar Harbor and Acadia. I found Acadia absolutely magical and would love to go there again - tougher now that we live so much further down the East Coast! Anyway, have a great time! What a great spot to enjoy life and friends in.

Sending good thoughts that something comest together (and quickly) for your hubs, and your family.

Enz said...

Totally agree with the above. I hope you get the two weeks with hubby to kick back and relax without the kids.

Lynne said...

Fingers crossed!!!

MyStalkerIsFat said...

I definitely agree that stress has a huge impact, even when you're not completely aware of it. I need structure, too, and days off during the summer make it even harder than it already is.

Sarah said...

I hope things are going well. Summer is a tough time for routines.