Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Happy Boxing Day! I'm very happy to be done with Christmas. It was meh.... It was fine.... I know I'm not a Christmas person. I  could actually sleep for all of December and be just fine waking up in a new year. I love my family though and dinner yesterday was very enjoyable. I drank delicious champagne and red wine so my head is a little thick today. Today I'm home on my own... The girls went shopping in the city together which was a sweet sister thing to do. The DH actually went to work late so he could bring them in which was a pleasant surprise.

I'm doing some laundry and some cleaning up and some thinking about how to get my shit together. It's the same old same old case of the holiday f-its... No schedule, too many parties, too much eating out, sweets in the workplace... not stepping on the scale or reeling it in... Just a lot of waiting around for January. And I don't want to do that.

I need to get off the sugar. I need to eat real food. I need to get some exercise and some motivation. I'm going to yoga tonight - if it's happening and try to just sit with myself for an hour+ and see if I have any new ideas moving forward. And then no yoga and lasagna, bread and sausage for dinner. Heavy... it did not make me feel well and chocolate....

And then I threw out the Christmas cookies!

It's cold and icy and there's snow and it's only December. I really hate winter.


Sarah said...

I am NOT a winter person either!

Laina said...

I'm not a Christmas fan either. Usually we try to go on a fun trip to avoid all the Xmas expectations, so I can pretend to ignore the holidays.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how, when you disclose you're not very into Christmas, you get a surprising amount of agreement! Just goes to show you how important communication is and how powerful making yourself vulnerable can be. I'm not that into it, either, and I've been gratified by finding a few people around me openly joking about feeling that way, saying, "Bah, humbug!" and that sort of thing. Glad it's passed!
Hope winter is getting it's worst out of the way early because it does seem intense around the NE this December. It's even cold down in SC - Monday the low's will be in the teens, which is pretty darn chilly around here. Stay warm! Happy New Year.