I am the biggest I've been in many years.
I've been spinning my wheels for MONTHS. I was waiting for the kick of motivation at the New Year; then it was the new gym; then it was vacation; and I haven't been willing to commit to a plan and follow it. It's about consistency and there hasn't been any. I'll eat great, get to spin class, hit my steps and on the very next day I'm having a binge on cream cheese and Popchips and going out soon after for a big serving of peanut butter chocolate ice cream, cuz, you know... openning day of the seasonal ice cream stand....
I'm experiencing a lot of negative self talk and that is not helpful.
There has to be a day when I'm ready to start eating to support weight loss. There has to be a day when I get on the scale and acknowledge my weight, because it's hard to know where you want to go if you don't know where you're starting from.
Is today the day?
I think it can be if I get on the scale, portion lunch and plan dinner. It can be if I don't snack aimlessly, continue to eat after I've had enough, or give in to the kids or the DH for ice cream or movie popcorn, or anything else that's not in the plan.
The tough times for me are 3 to bedtime. If someone could come up with a strategy for containing the monster after 3 p.m. they would be sure to cure obesity in all menopausal women. I know for me it will take some determination, dare I say WILLPOWER?
and today is a good day to start, right?
Yes, it is! You can do it!
Yep, today is as good a day as any. I am only 10 pounds away from my heaviest weight ever, so I am starting too!
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