Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Time to Regroup

It was such a lovely weekend. I had one on one time with a friend from out of town before the whole gang arrived. We made great dinners; lots of drinks and the laughing... I only touched base with the teen a few times - she still needs her mom - and the DH called once to see if he should replace the chain saw that he a) bought 4 years ago after the last bad storm, b) didn't really know how to use so we still had to call a pro; and c) never took care of - hence the reason it doesn't work now...

Um, no - please don't replace... let's spend that money on a tree guy to do the whole job... 

I purposely did no shopping before I left, knowing (after 20 years of girls' weekends) that no matter what I prepared, DH would do his own thing. Of course he took the girls for "special sushi" and since there was NOTHING in the house - spent over $250 at the grocery store; and we still have no paper towels or anything for dinners this week?! And I don't really want to know what went on, though there was syrup involved and I can't wait for the cleaners to come tomorrow. All I can say is THANK GOD I went with my gut and made the reservation for Easter Brunch. That would have sent me right over the edge...

And I'm trying to regroup - get on top of things at work and continue with the normal level of chaos that is my life. Yes, I'm feeling stressed; so it's a good thing my annual physical is TODAY... Poor planning!!!  I do not want to see what my weight is... although I need to. Regrouping has to include getting back to good food, sensible portions, training for 5 miler....

I have to learn  that life keeps moving forward, changing, and it's probably best to embrace it and stop complaining. I'm doing the best I can. SIGH.

1 comment:

Enz said...

Welcome home!!