Friday, August 06, 2010

New Additions and Life Assessment

Miss Agnes has arrived, and she's cute as can be. If my kids don't kill her with *love* she will grow up to be a wonderful companion.
She cried all night and I slept maybe 2 hours... with my IPOD on to drown out the whining...
Hopefully tonight will be better. I have to get up at 330 am b/c my sister talked me into volunteering for PanMass...... you know, giving back... I have no idea what I was thinking...
I ate pancakes for breakfast; a Kashi meal for lunch and too many cookies with 2 glasses of milk... CARBs are killing me... As is typical for me I am putting off my life - the changes I want to make with regard to my house, diet, work, exercise until the kids go back to school. August is a void for me, but this is the last year it will happen. I am going to spend the $ and put the kids in camp. For my peace of mind, they need to be entertained and I honestly don't have it in me to do it all - work, house, kids... I have to take some things off my plate. Cleaning lady and daycare will no longer be an issue! Live and Learn.

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