Thursday, May 19, 2011

Full Disclosure...

There it is - a new weight. I know it is slow, but I am getting to my goal. I am not quitting and I won't get discouraged. This is the message I took away from the Biggest Loser Tuesday night... That, and I am sick of those sisters - Hannah and what's her name... Go Irene! I also filled up my WW attendence book, which according to my sister, means I will get a prize at my next meeting... GO ME! I never would have imagined that it would take 16 weeks to lose 15lbs, but there it is... I suppose I should just be happy to be losing... It's been a long time since I have shown this level of commitment to my diet/fitness...

Although - I have let the rain get to me this week. It's been just awful - and aside from walking the dog for 40 minutes in the morning - I have not run or even let my heart rate crawl above what's normal... SLUG... I do feel a cold coming on.. My throat is a bit scratchy and I don't feel 100%. Maybe it's just pre - long run anxiety - we've got 14 miles on the docket for Saturday... I am doing it no matter what so I hope whatever it is that's ailing me - it will be over fast, or at least not that bad. The race is set for June 5.

And today I picked up my new long-sleeved wetsuit - payment for guarding at swim clinics this summer... I think it was a fair trade. I tried on 3 and let me tell you - I think I lost about 2 lbs of water weight... I haven't sweat that much in a while - What a workout!! I am sure the water is FREEZING - or maybe 55 or so, but I need to get swimming soon - First clinic is June 3 and yah.....

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