Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Full Disclosure Wednesday

Weight 178.4 , down .8 pounds. I have 8.5 to go for my 10%, and my FEB goal. I felt like crap this morning, but I still walked the dog 3 miles and walked on the treadmill at the gym for 2.4/35 min. I came home and completely flaked on my 3 goals... #1 done, but my kitchen table is covered with papers and I haven't finished anything... I hate when I get like this.

I have basketball tonight, a full day of work tomorrow and maybe -- just maybe I will be able to get something accomplished this weekend...I don't really care about the SUPERBOWL; I am running with my sister Saturday morning and have a meeting at church with my daughter Sunday morning. That's it for commitments --- time for FOCUS.

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