Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Back on Track - No, Really...

Hypnosis Refresher done. It was really awesome! I feel great, motivated and ready to tackle the weight and my continued approach to maintenance.  I finally feel like I got it this time. I have a lot of work ahead, but I know that with a little discipline and a couple of months I can be at a better place - mind and body - in clothes that fit.

Continuing on with the "Spring Health Focus" I met with my primary about the dreaded thyroid  and later today its the gyn. Tomorrow I'll meet with a "Parent" coach to help with the teen and Friday it's an eye exam to figure out why I can't see. That should take care of all my issues for the year! Having a child with a chronic health issue put my health at the bottom of the list. It finally reached a point that I decided to be a priority. I AM A PRIORITY.

I'll make sure to get outside and walk - or run - or ride my bike. I probably won't be able to make it to spin tomorrow because of my appointment, but I'll DO something to get my heart rate up! For now...

Eat when hungry, not when not.
Eat everything with meat protein.
Cheese is a condiment
PLAIN yogurt only (a program change) 3x week, with meat...
Chia OK.
Milk OK, no cream (another change)
More focus on lean meats
Coffee still good (PHEW!!)
No fake food
No sugar or grains (except fresh corn), no nuts - accept Almond Milk for me!!.
No fruit except lemons and limes.
No fruited teas

But I can have my yummy balsamic vinegar, and good veggies (yeah summer!) and fish!! And I can have as much as I need to be satisfied - no measuring!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Good list/plan, thanks for sharing it here. Good luck! Off you go :)