Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Getting my house back!

The shed came yesterday so now I can get my house back! Anything from the old shed has been distributed  all around for the last three weeks - Vespa on the porch, motorcycle gear in all rooms, my bike and kids stuff (roller blades, helmets...) throughout the family room... It makes me crazy to not have ORDER.

This morning I moved it all to the new shed which we'll set up this weekend and the cleaners are coming in an hour. Yeah!

I have bills to do AFTER spin class. After that I can feel a little ZEN until the kids come home... Ahhhh

My mood has been MEH. I know the rain has made me a little grumpy. I haven't been getting in my steps which are for mental health as much as fitness. My food has been better but I'm still not seeing the losses I had hoped for when I went for my recharge last month. As for goals, I bought the Siggis, sworn off Chobani and only slipped once with a slice of cheese my daughter shared. I downloaded some books to my ipad so I'm ready to ditch the TV for the summer.

I think I need a comfy chair for the porch so I can sit outside --- away from the kitchen...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo, what a relief getting the shed crap OUT of your HOUSE! You're definitely going to start loving summer and life again.