Tuesday, September 08, 2015

OK, Now I'm Really Done...

This weekend was horrible diet-wise. I had big portions, I ate popcorn, ice cream, too many good for you things... Korean BBQ, carrot cake and topped it all off with a Fried Apple Pie Sundae at the fair ... and it wasn't that good and I ate it all. And I felt like crap! Honestly not good... So I'm done with that and back on track. I know it was a lot of pent up stress, but why I need to turn to food after all these years and all this knowing is beyond me. OK. It happened. I need to let it rest.

I went running with my sister yesterday. We did nearly 5 miles which included walking and sprinting and it was good - though it made me incredibly sore and I was whipped by last night. We had what I call "The Baatan Death March Weekend"; starting Friday with BBQ/pool party at friends, an all day music fest Saturday, family reunion Sunday, and County Fair Monday, with a little exercise, laundry and too much food thrown in for good measure. There was a lot of fun, but man I'm a little happy it's over.

It's good to be back on a schedule. This morning I made it to Body Pump (never a small feat), the kids almost made it to school on their own - though I had to track down the teen to take her pills (grumble), and the DH at work after a few days off.

Breathe. Although the week will hardly be restful, I'm going to do what I can to keep the stress to a minimum. I will make it to spin tomorrow, Body Pump Thursday morning and running with the sisters Saturday. The DH would like to go for a hike this weekend as well, so I'm looking around for someplace interesting and local. I'm tired of driving!! Whatever we do - it will not involve crap food. I need to get back in a groove.

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