Friday, September 04, 2015


I don't know why the first week of school is the longest week of the year! Seriously, I was looking for Friday on Wednesday... I never thought today would come!  I've got a full weekend ahead and ZERO down time. Unfortunately none of it involves deliberate exercise so I'll have to add that in.

Food yesterday was not all healthy... Ice cream again - I KNOW!!  and a couple pieces of chocolate (5)... On a better note, I went out for drinks with the hubby and ate edamame and that's it. I know there are SOY haters out there, but in terms of my options - fried calamari vs. SOY, I picked the latter.

My body is still aching from Wednesday's Body Pump. It's a good hurt though and I'm trying to be thankful for my ability to exercise... I need to keep up with the food, but that's an everyday thing. Every day is a new day and a new opportunity to do better.

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