Thursday, September 14, 2017

Whatever Works...

I am in a weekly text "weight loss" group - a few girls from work trying to support each other on our quests to be smaller. One woman was full guns, lost 30+ pound since January, but is now stalled out. She's in the low 200's and I really hope she'll find her mojo again... Another woman is sweet, but I can describe her as 'the 50-year-old-woman who never had a weight problem until menopause'. She's beautiful, stylish and once she filed for divorce lost the 20 she wanted to lose and is now championing the "if I can do it, anyone can..." It's a little deflating. When we started the group it was the anti-WW protest: We don't need to pay - we don't need that plan - we know what we have to do - we just need accountability...

And then after a spring/summer of the slow regain, I chose to join WW. I was desperate for something different; what I was (or wasn't) doing no longer worked for me and now I'm  losing weight again - albeit slowly. I haven't shared this with anyone in my group and continue to text my weekly weight. Part of me wants to tell some women in the group, but part of me wants this to be my thing. Is that selfish not wanting to involve work? I don't want to derail what's working for me right now...


Anonymous said...

I personally would not call this "selfish," but even if it were, there's a healthy level of selfishness, and I say, follow your intuition on this.
Inspiring that you've found some mojo! Hope to follow you on that.

Enz said...

Only my very closest friends know I follow WW. People at work always say to me, "what are you doing to lose weight?" and I just say 'watching what I eat and walking'. It's not a lie. I don't want to hear all the pros and cons and stories "their friend who" of WW and these people are not entitled to an opinion on my life :) and I am too polite to tell them to this is my alternative. I don't feel the least bit guilty. It's my life, my choice and my business.

Lynne said...

Thanks both of you for validating my decision to stay mum.... I guess I feel like you Enz - not wanting to entertain judgement or advice from your piers... YOUR JOURNEY; YOUR WAY!

Anonymous said...

No its not selfish at all what counts is that it is helping you towards your goal.