Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Afternoon Exhaustion... out of nowhere...

Yesterday I ate too much. I came home famished at lunch and nothing I put in my mouth was at all satiating. And then I felt SO tired, like the lion in the 'Wizard of Oz' tired. I fell asleep so deep it felt like 5 minutes had elapsed; when in reality it was over an hour. I FORCED myself to go to SPOGA and I'm happy I went though it was not my best effort...

This morning I woke up a little pissed at myself and honestly baffled. What is it that's making me want to eat so much? Is it emotional? Is it the medication?

I have my Girls Weekend in 7 days. I am fatter than I've ever been. I know (really I do) that they love me as I am, but I  feel ashamed for letting myself go like I have... Meh.

I know - it's not productive - It is how I feel... Something has to change.

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