Wednesday, September 21, 2005

My NEW Tuesday schedule...

Tuesday is WW night. It is my night. My husband comes home early and puts the kids to bed. I go to WW. Last night I went to the gym. It was nice to not feel rushed to get the kids out of child watch. It was nice to take a LONG shower, sit in the sauna... I did 30 min on the elliptical and about 30 minutes of abs and arms. All that in addition to the 90 minute spin I did in the a.m. Now if I could just get my eating under control. It's not necessarily bad, I am just not writing things down. I need to make that a priority.

I want to be a BIG LOSER!

Today is not a gym day, so I have to con my little one into going for a nice long walk. She is nearly 3 and can't stand the stroller for more than a few miles. I also need to continue "OPERATION CLEAN OUT" which has moved to the office... Paper paper everywhere!

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