Friday, May 07, 2010

One cup of Mojo, please....

Feeling SO -yuck... I had a great Saturday workout last week and have another scheduled for tomorrow. I should be doing something today... In fact, I shouldhave swam yesterday, but I didn't and I have no excuse.... or do I ...

My poor dog died 2 weeks ago... hard to believe it's that long... I am missing her terribly, my house is SO empty. I know that we'll get another dog someday, but it won't be Daisy and she was perfect.
I know I am sad, but am I depressed?

I dont' want to be. I don't want to sink into that FAT SLUG land of just not caring, but I haven't been caring... I need to care. I stopped going to my study. I was so unimpressed with the staff and I just didn't feel like it was a good fit for me. I went to the weekly classes to weigh in -- kind of like WW, but the content wasn't helpful. I always felt that I knew more than the others there, and in fact the group leaders would look to me more than I would have liked to confirm what they were saying about exercise or nutrition. I know how to eat healthy, I know all about exercise... What I need to know is why I eat too much. I want to know what it is about food... and my mood and my weight. Why can't I treat food as fuel? Why can't I stop eating when I know the consequences?

I know there are no magic bullets. I know it is hard work. I know HOW to succeed... It's just a matter of just DOING it... right? And so it goes...

Next week I will have my 6 month review... I would like to at least show an overall loss and that means I'll have to get on the scale to see how much damage I've done in the last 3 weeks, so I know how hard I have to work... Tomorrow morning I will weigh in. Hopefully it will be my DAY 1 of back on the wagon...

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