Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Worst of all Snow Days...

I am all for a snow day, but not when it falls on my only FREE day off during the week!? Thankfully I am walking distance to my office and even though they are closed, I have permission to go in if I want to. Hubby is "working from home" so he can deal with mayhem. I'll pay for it later, but at least I'll be able to put some hours in today and leave early tomorrow (Of course, that is if there is school tomorrow...) Weight Watchers was cancelled for today, so taking care of weigh in is TOPS on my list.

Strange but true - At a weak moment, my kids talked me into buying a jar of Nutella... After a trip down memory lane (I lived in Europe for a while and it was a breakfast staple at every Pension and Zimmer Frei) I checked the "nutritional" content... How can this be considered any part of a child's BREAKFAST ??--- It's measly serving has over 11 grams of FAT! It's nothing more than frosting!! Now the strange part... Misty, at Athena Diaries, wrote about having nearly the same Nutella experience, on the very same day... I thought it odd...

But I'll be working off my frosting today digging out... The snow is really stacking up out there. It's trash day and I can just barely see the cover of the can at the end of the driveway. I predict hours of shoveling (my shoulder is hurting me just thinking about it). I'll be banking all those activity points b/c I am eating HEALTHY all day, making veggie soup for lunch and staying away from crap. I've set up my computer in my room - far from the fridge and when I get to work (if I do) I know there is NO food there. I had a bad afternoon yesterday and ate ALL of my weekly points, and all of my activity points. I literally had nothing left - and if I was *totally* honest with my self about portions, I would have gone over. It's only week 3 - I need to get a hold of myself.

1 comment:

FattyMcFatPants said...

Nutella isn't so bad -- at least it truly has hazelnuts in it, which are quite nutritious. Some of the high sugar, nutritionally void stuff my friends feed their kids makes me gag!