Sunday, March 18, 2012

Let me catch you up...

I am exactly where I was two weeks ago... 178. UGH...

I am frustrated, disappointed and just plain annoyed. I can't say that I am TRYING. I can't say that I've logged all of my food or that I've exercised at high intensity or with any regularity. The problem is not that I eat candy or chips - or that I binge. The problem is honestly that I eat too damn much.

Where a half of a cup is enough rice for most - I'll have 3/4. Where a half a banana on a bowl of oatmeal is filling - I need a whole one, and a cup of blueberries... A WW meal should be fine for lunch, but I'll have that and a yogurt or a salad with some croutons and cheese... It should be easy to eat my 26 points and be done, but it's not... If I write things down at the end of a "good day" I find that "good" is 34+; and you don't want to know about the bad. So what's a girl to do?

For starters, I am not giving up. I will continue to be a WW until I get to goal. Waste of money? Probably - but when I get sick of giving it away, maybe I'll figure out what I need to do to lose the weight, get LIFETIME membership (another big goal of mine) and stop shelling out the cash. It's not the looming "GIRL'S WEEKEND", it's not the BIGGEST LOSER competition at work. It's not the half marathon coming up in June and it's not the weight of my family issues either. It's hard work to lose weight and it's not going to just happen without effort and sacrifice. The one thing I know is that I am not giving up. Life is going to happen whether I am thin or not...

I will be 46 in a little more than a month. Last year's goal was 175... This year's goal has to be anything in the 160's. It is more than possible, and I don't know what if anything is holding me back?! Let see where I am this Wednesday and go from there. I am excited that Spring is coming early and I am optimistic that better days are ahead. I know what is possible.

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