Monday, April 01, 2013

Back at it.

The weekend was surprisingly good. I walked 3 miles Saturday morning with the dog. I could not muster a 6 mile run - no mojo. I headed out to Cambridge for the day, spending time with friends I haven't seen in years. It was so nice, and comfortable, and dear I say I relaxed? I came home to the most pleasant surprise. The house was picked up (even after dinner?!) The kids were showered, no one was fighting and my husband was happy about the day. Wow.

Sunday was Easter. We did church and brunch and a long walk with the dog - as a family - with no fighting. It wasn't until 5 or 6 that my BP daughter started acting up. My husband got a little testy and smartly went to bed. Everyone got up this morning and made it where they needed to be. All in all a success. We've got another busy week in store, with a lot of challenges for my struggling teen. I hope she can rise to the occasion. I am definitely on "COUNTDOWN TO SUMMER" mode.

My diet is BLAH. No official cheating (no bread, no sugar, no fake food, no fruit, no nuts no grains) BUT - I am not eating foods that will support weight loss. Yesterday I had an omelet and sausage links (plural) and ham and milk and yogurt and chili. Not a lot of veggies; and not a diet. I feel so gross this morning. I have a goal for the week - 2x fish, no cheese, and if I eat I have to have a veggie for every protein. We'll try it through the end of the week and see how it goes. I need to run - 3 to 4 miles twice and then another 6 miler Saturday... which will now be Sunday? I forgot my youngest has a big competition all day for 4H... blah.

I am going to post some photos this week. I have the BEST before pic...

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