Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Productive Days

Cleaned out a giant cupboard that will be demolished in the renovation. Things I haven't touched in 13 years of living in this house. At first I carefully removed, wrapped and packed... and then I got a grip.  WHY DO I NEED and DO I REALLY EVEN WANT THIS STUFF??!!!  Mementos of years past, proof that I once had a life. I traveled and lived over seas. I had an interesting job and met some cool people... There are beer steins, wine glasses, matroshkas, statues, boxes, hats, posters, and money from all over Europe.... STUFF. I started a box for Salvation Army and filled it and then I filled another; and another. I loaded up the car together with dry cleaning, returns and had a productive morning. It was a great feeling of accomplishment. I also threw out 2 full bags of trash.

I don't have any idea when the work is going to start. Radio silence from the contractor... I'm anxious, but OK, I have lots more to do, lots to throw out, lots to disassemble before the real work begins.... I really just want it finished. My sister has told me to expect the worst and double what ever time estimates I'm given. At this rate I'm hoping for a new kitchen for my birthday in April. That will be the best present!

For now it is a dream. I'll keep plugging away at the STUFF, finish the prep and start harassing the contractor...

And in all this running around I hit my 10K steps. I also sent a note to FITBIT to see if they will send me a replacement for my FORCE with a defective button. I don't want to miss a day so I hope they will send it before I send the old one back.  We'll see how great their customer service is...

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