Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Waiting for the Shoe to Drop

My daughter has been having some difficulties. I won't expand on that any further, but to see her you wouldn't know it. I think high school is hard for her. She wants to like it, but she's holding back. She wants friends, but they don't come easy for her. She knows she can't really handle a heavy workload, but she scoffs at being special ed. She's not eating great, but thank goodness she's at least walking to school and she likes her gym teacher. I had such difficulties with my weight. I know what it feels like to be fat and in school and it's no fun. I don't want to project my feelings on her, but I also don't want her to have any regrets and I don't want her to think I didn't care by not trying to help her.

Today is my "day off" and I'm taking my youngest for her physical, traveling 20 miles round trip to pick up goats milk to make fudge for 4H Friday. We've got church school tonight, play practice and 6th grade open house. So much for being off. Today is also day 3 of thyroid medicine. Side effects are few, but slightly annoying - diarrhea, nausea taking it on an empty stomach. I don't know how I'm supposed to know if its working; though I'd like to wake up one day back to my fighting weight of a year ago... It will come; I can feel it. Today is also day 5 of wearing the FITBIT Flex. I'm still slightly nervous of the "rash" but so far so good. I'm probably averaging 10K/day, but haven't been as psycho about hitting the number daily, though I am considering Whole30/Fitbit30 starting SOON....

I watched Extreme Weightloss last night. DH saw the opening segment and then went to bed. It was a father daughter team losing lots of weight over the last year. I think he may have gotten the gist - that you can't be a good dad if you are tired all the time, don't want to do anything with your kids, and continue to eat junk - setting a bad example for your kids. When you lie about your workouts (how tough they were, how long your were there) you fool no one. You benefit no one. You continue the cycle of guilt and shame. DH didn't stay for the whole show, but my favorite part was when the trainer followed both contestants for a day and then confronted them with reality when they had recounted a day of lies. It was AWESOME. They actually had to come face to face with the truth, and it obviously had effect on the dad. He lost more than 200 lbs!  I wish my husband would take something from that show. I wish he would do something positive for himself.

All I can do is keep cooking good food, shopping for healthy snacks and asking my husband to stop buying junk. Yup.

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