Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Falling Short

I'm falling a little short with my intentions and decided to reset today:

  • 15K steps
  • Good food
  • strength

Its drizzling so I'm thinking I'll do a treadmill workout instead of a lake run. There is nothing like the smell of wet dog and the cleaners are coming today so I'd like to enjoy a pristine house for at least a few hours before the kids come home. The husband has a sore foot and I suspect a stress fracture. Perhaps this will encourage him to lose a few pounds instead of just talking about it. His attitude since Sunday has definitely changed. He's suggested a date night Saturday so we'll go out for dinner. I wish it wasn't about food, but I don't want to do anything too elaborate since the tween is babysitting and I need to be available.

I found out yesterday that my daughter's coach is back in the hospital (she texted to cancel lessons). She's waiting for a diagnosis of either Lupus or Epilepsy... She's had seizures, and fluid in the brain. She's only 28 and it's just an awful situation. To add to that, the mother of my daughter's friend was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a double mastectomy last Friday. We're making the family dinner for the next two nights to help. I can't even imagine...

Thankfully our life problems are in hiatus. The teen has been great, going to counseling, DBT group and getting along well at school. She's mentioned again how she still has no real friends - just acquaintances... I know how isolating it can be, but all I can do is sympathize and encourage her to work things through. I know it will get better. I remember 9th grade not so fondly myself.

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