Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Good Day

I had the best spin class today. I secured my favorite bike, the best teacher; good music and I felt strong. I had to perform a minor miracle to get there but I made it and it was well worth the effort. The kids went back to school today, but alas it was just a half day - ugh. The cleaners were coming and I had a ton of picking up to do. I was a crazy person for a while but I got it done. I really love a clean house. It makes me feel sane and calm and dear I say happy?!

I've had a decent food day, but I think I'm going to have to do a round of whole thirty soon. I've quit milk, but I'm having issues with cheese lately... I'm going to have to cut it out and maybe it will help me lose this extra weight. I so need the boost of confidence a loss would give me but since I don't weigh myself, it will have to be more than a few pounds for me to notice. All winter  I've fought the urge to buy new pants or jeans in a bigger size. Instead I am uncomfortable. I feel fat and I know I look awful... Hoping a few more days like today will get me in a better frame of mind.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I had a great Spin class today, too (though 2 days behind you). There's nothing like the cardio endorphins, and I love the music immersion you get in Spin.

I'm cheering you on resisting that urge for bigger pants! I'm trying some new things, too, and I'm starting RIGHT NOW rather than continue to think about it. Maybe you want to do something similar for the cheese?

Cheering you on!