Monday, July 27, 2015

Pan Mass, Camp... and other stuff.

The anxiety level of everyone in the house is high. Pan Mass is this weekend; the kids leave for sleep-away camp Sunday, and then there's just the regular stuff like work and laundry and... I think the picture is clear. I feel like I've got all the balls in the air and have to keep them there. I know in my mind we will make it through and everyone will get where they're going, the question is in what shape? I need a seamless process...

I'll get a plan together and map out the week. What I know is that the BodyPump Streak continues... Week 6!! I am not screwing that up and I'll figure out a way to get sleep so I'm rested for my bike ride Sunday. I'll help the kids pack and make sure they're 100% ready for Sunday since I won't be here when Dad takes them to the bus. It will all come together.

Next week I'm making some Big Plans.. This is not always a good thing - expectations high and then crash and burn. I'm making a list and will whittle it down to the top 3 things I want to do for me, the house and working on the relationship with the DH. Things aren't great, but they're not bad either... I'd like to turn a corner and get on a new path...

I also want to lose this weight!!! It's making me CRAZY!

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I love the idea of making the Big Plans - bringing intentionality back to these areas. Good luck!