Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Body Pump Done...

I am still so proud of myself for making it to Body Pump, even though school has started and it feels weird not being home for the morning routine. I am so proud of my girls for getting up on their own and allowing me peace of mind. Truth told I still don't stay for the entire class - I skip the last track (abs), but if the instructor could just start on time I wouldn't feel so pressed... Someday... baby steps.

I am so sore. Sore from running, from squats, from sitting in a chair too long... My sister has been using glucosamine for several years and feels like it makes a difference, and I think I'll give it a try. It's expensive, effectiveness inconclusive, but if it works for my sister, maybe it will work for me. I shouldn't feel this old, I need to do something other than popping Aleve every day...

My eating has been AWFUL. I don't know what's going on, honestly, but I'm getting annoyed with my entitled, careless attitude... I need to get back to clean eating and not allow sweets and treats to derail my efforts. Today is a new day. This weekend and last night I ate apple crisp until it was gone... with frozen yogurt (finished) and then ice cream (bought for the kids). I ate CHEESE slice after slice, macaroons like chips and yogurt - Chobani pumpkin or pear cinnamon - the new fall flavors (which are too sweet - I need to cut them with plain, and didn't.) I need not train that sweet taste bud... I need to kill it!

And now I'll stop beating myself up and really just move forward. Looking back is pointless. I know what I need to do, so I need to focus on that.... and sitting up straight!


Wendy said...

Great job on Body Pump! And as for the eating - as we all know, it happens. You know what to do! What about giving yourself a short-term goal to help motivate, like make it to Friday (or another day) with no unintentional eating? Something achievable that'll make you feel empowered? Whatever path you choose, good luck! I know you can do it.

Lynne said...

Thanks Wendy - I honestly don't know what's come over me!!

Wendy said...

We've all been there, for sure! Don't be angry with yourself. Just find (or make) a turning point, and then go ahead and turn. :)