Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Ice Cream for Dinner

I got some really terrible news yesterday and just fell apart. It's not my news; it's not my life, but I care for the people affected so deeply. I want to help and there's nothing to do except be available - listen, hug... meh.

The news isn't public yet so I didn't want my kids to know. It was tough to be present for them and I really didn't know what to do, so when I dropped the tween at her lesson - I went to the nearest ice-creamery and had a dish of coconut cream. It's not a good solution, but honestly I kept it small and would not give in to a full blown f$%$ it!  It's what I had for dinner. I stayed within my calories for the day. I'm moving on.

I am skipping SPIN this morning. I just wanted a little break. I may go to Body Pump tonight, or yoga, and I'm taking the dog for a big long walk this morning when the cleaners arrive. I will not let this news bring me to a bad spot... I'm glad I'll see my therapist Friday. I've got a lot to work through.

For now, it's my first "day off" of the school year. I don't want to waste it. I want to do something productive at home and productive for me... The walk should suffice for me, and the chore of the day will have to be sorting my clothes since I can't find anything and I can't close my drawers!

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