Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Made it to Body Pump and the kids went to school...

Most people would read that title and think - SO? - but this is huge for me. I am a control freak and readily admit it. I always have to drive, I always need a say in the planning of any activity and I totally feel entitled to do so, because I do most of the work. This is not a good way to live, especially since any "self care" for the last 15 years has taken a back seat to everyone and everything around me. I vowed to make a change this year, give up some control, let the kids fend for themselves and today was the first step. I got up at 5 and went to Body Pump. My anxiety was a little high and I missed the last track (abs) since the instructor was running a little late, but I did it. This is HUGE.

Lo and behold, when I got home the kids were up and ready (OK it is only day 2), and I only had to remind the teen to take her pills. They left for school on time and not fighting! Yeah!

So we'll try it again Thursday. I'll be able to hit the 9:00 a.m. Spin class tomorrow instead of 5:30 (though I really love the early morning instructor!), but I know the kids like me to be there in the mornings. And getting to BP 2 x week is all I want to manage right now.

On the eating front, I'm journaling my food in Fitbit. I'm on day 4, I know it's not very accurate since many of the foods are entered by users, but it's more about accountability than anything else, so I'll excuse the inaccuracies for now. My goal is to eat within my calories - push for low carbs - and maintain the exercise regimen - 2 Body Pumps, 1 Spin and 1 workout with the sisters... Totally doable and hoping to see some results SOON!

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