Tuesday, January 05, 2016

This is NOT how I pictured my week.

I slept horribly last night. I listened to HOURS of podcasts, BBC news and nothing helped me fall asleep or stay asleep. Not good for motivation. Not good for weight loss or fitness. Add a cold to the mix - sinuses ache, throat itches, head feels heavy (though could be lack of sleep) MEH.

I have a lot on my plate this first week of 2016 so I’m more than a little annoyed with my physical state. I’ll still go to SPIN tomorrow and I’ll do my best to get to Body Pump at least once this week. Regardless of how I feel, I’ll definitely get my 10K steps in…

As for WHOLE 30, I’ve had NO dairy, NO wheat, NO rice or legumes…. I've had lots of seeds… loving Pepitas for some reason. A banana with a few tablespoons is my breakfast of choice these days… I researched the delicious Starbucks coconut latte and, as I suspected, there’s added sugar in the coconut milk… Definitely NOT WHOLE 30, but neither is the chocolate from Santa – organic 72% cacao and a toblerone almond dark – that I couldn't bear to throw out. I know sugar is my demon and I need to get off it, and I'm committed -once it's gone, I'm done... for a while. I guess I'm easing into WHOLE 30. I know its not the way to do it, but it's my way, and the best I can offer right now. 

I bought some WHOLE 30 compliant bars (LARABARS) which are also not in the spirit of the program, but I needed a GOTO food in a pinch; OR else I was looking for another something sweet and desserty. You decide. Could it be a remnant of PMS? Who knows! 

I guess that's it true confessions. I’m going grocery shopping tomorrow, putting a menu of sorts together today so I’ll be more prepared and more in a WHOLE 30 groove going forward. I need to do some batch cooking – meatballs, chili, pulled pork, soups… Good planning = Good diet. The rest of the family can eat what I make and maybe they'll adopt a cleaner way of living... maybe... All I can do it offer it up.

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