Thursday, March 10, 2016

Day 3 Was Near Perfect (food wise)

MACROS: 56% Fat, 29% Protein, 15% Carbs.
STEPS: 16,938

Ta-Da! I finally hit my macro percentages and didn't eat like a horse!  This was day 3 and I felt more in control, definitely not hungry, a little out of sorts mentally... still a few tinges of sugar cravings which I satisfied with Coconut Bliss and a few squares of 85% dark chocolate.

Tonight I am going out with my neighbor friends. I walk weekday mornings with D and our dogs, but I haven't seen B all winter other than to wave from the driveway. It will be nice to catch up. I need to get out. Hoping the kids will be good for me, but I am going regardless. The DH is on another planet.

The teen is out of control and I have to take a step back and breathe. She's definitely in a rough patch, but I can't be dragged down with her. As she berated me in the car for taking away her cell phone; as she reminded me that she still hates me with every fiber of her being; I felt hurt. I let those words sink in when I should have been teflon. I have to keep telling myself that it's just an "emotion burst", her words are static to my ears, she has no idea what she is saying. And I know all that is true. And yet, I heard every word. I have to do some self talk, some self care.

I forgot to put on my FITBIT before my walk so I'll have to do a lot more to hit my numbers today. It will give me time to decompress.

What I did differently with food was switch to eggs for breakfast instead of yogurt/fruit. For lunch I had cottage cheese with a few sweet peppers, for dinner salad and chicken. I didn't have any protein powder - and I made my numbers! Of course, it's still nice to have the powder! I feel good about ending the day - hitting that button that signals your journal is complete. I've just gone up to bed - read or listened to a podcast. I can do this! I can get this weight off!

Goals for today:
1. Another day within calories, macros and over 10K steps
2. Let the words of the teen go. Remember only static comes out of her mouth. Stick to limits. Let her face her consequences.
3. Be mindful eating out. One drink only!
4. Be kind to the little one. Don't let the teen dictate the vibe of the house.

* I still have to finish the taxes, go through my clothes...yada yada yada... That may have to wait for the weekend. The teen is going on a retreat with the church - leaves at 4 p.m. tomorrow. The stress should fall and expect major mojo through Sunday afternoon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great job on the macros, woot!!! You can do it, keep going! I'm cheering you on.

On letting the teen's words bite... when I had a teen at home I began to tell myself, this is all just role play. It's her JOB to just PLAY THE ROLE of pushing the boundaries and pushing the buttons, so I tried to take it as just that, nothing personal, and remind myself that after she spoke, my line, my role, was to push back. Just say my lines; you know what they are! It helped me distance myself emotionally from the dram, and see it as kind of artificial. Maybe this or another technique could help you? it's hard to have teens at home. but this (behavior) too shall pass. sending good thoughts.