Monday, June 13, 2016

Adventure Park

The teen is still in the hospital which is good for me because I can sleep soundly, regroup and take a few minutes to enjoy MY life - not worrying about the NEXT calamity... She is safe. She is getting the help she needs. The school is a DISASTER. I'm doing all I can and... it truly is maddening when someone clearly is failing, needs help and the administration tries to sell me on a few new sentences an IEP as the magic cure for a failing education. Disagreement is looked at as "not collaborating"... Bite Me!

Eating is not horrible, but it's fraught with F-its!  (an ice cream sundae, wine...) snacking when not hungry... I attribute it to the stress of the last few months... but IT IS and I have to learn to deal with it in a more healthy, constructive way... No excuses.

I went to a ropes course yesterday with my sisters, daughter and the cousins. It was a challenging - but GREAT afternoon. (and I'm SO sore today!). I really hated that my teen couldn't be there, but managed to take the time and just be in the moment. I went out to a harder course; took 45 minutes; was scared out of my mind and it was GREAT! I was EXHAUSTED last night.

New week. New opportunities...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a frustrating and difficult time you are in! The ropes course sounds like a great distraction and challenge/accomplishment to take some stress out on. Hang in there.