Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Another week; living the dream...


The GOOD - a strong run Saturday. I was slow and ran most of the 5 miles. I went to the movies with the family. It was a decent afternoon. Father's Day ended successfully with a BBQ on the new grill. I hit 10K+ steps every day this past week.

The REST - I was in a foul mood yesterday. Spent several hours swearing at bad drivers in awful traffic to get to appointments where I sat and waited... and waited... and waited.... I felt at the mercy of people who just didn't have their stuff together... When I finally got home I was met with the crap of the previous day's horse show at the door... dumped.... The daughter was in her room watching Netflix on a laptop; the evidence of breakfast and lunch on the desk beside her... Requests to pick up her stuff were met with an eye roll and an "I WILL" (imagine snotty tone)...

I took a nap. I walked the dog. I had no more "Points" left for the day so I had air popcorn for dinner and went to bed only to get a call from the dear daughter to pick her up from the movies... "I TEXTED YOU!... IT'S NOT MY FAULT IF YOU DON'T READ YOUR TEXTS..." because I was in bed... 

Work kind of sucks. Motivation is non-existent. I need an antidepressant, and I still have a week before my appointment. Sigh. I know I'll make it and it sucks to wait...but in the meantime, I'll do what I can to work back to happy.

Weighing in tomorrow. I know I've been much more cognizant of  what I put in my mouth and when I've had enough. I've journaled my food.  I plan to eat more fish this week. I'm staying away from cheese and most dairy. We'll see.

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