Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday RANT... I really need a vacation.

The teen was home sick yesterday with a cold. Like her father, she is not a good sick person. There was a lot of whining... I went to work. I brought home soup for her and found her up in her room on her death bed... Of course while I was at work she managed to make pancakes for breakfast and play on my new computer; judging from the dishes and all the crumbs in the keyboard! Death bed sick, huh? I just had to let it go...

I went to grab one of the lunches I prepared from the previous night's leftovers  (Always Hungry - on track) and... there was one left ...DH thought I had packed him a lunch and took it!  UGHHHH! Obviously I will have to label everything going forward. Obviously hiding them under a bag of kale was not enough of a hint to back off.... meh. I probably wouldn't have been so pissed if I weren't so tired...

I've gone a pretty decent stretch without feeling this bad. I know I've slept crappy all week and the hot flashes are relentless. I have a feeling THE COLD is coming... I fell asleep driving the little one to her riding lesson... as in oncoming traffic had to lay on their horns... I had to get to Starbucks....

I was in the car for three hours shuttling back and forth to lessons and counseling and hair appointment for the teen... I didn't get home until 7:15 and the DH promptly left for the gym, after taking his nap of course...

I let the house know that I needed to sleep and was going to bed early.... or so I thought... First the fighting, then the lengthy discussion with the teen who was a bit keyed up... Then the DH came home to loudly play with the dog and cats and thoughtfully yelled upstairs in case anyone wanted to watch American Horror Story with him... Around midnight I woke up to use the bathroom and heard the teen's laptop... she was watching Netflix in bed and fell asleep... UGH!  After untangling cords and shutting down the DH came up, pulled the covers down and announced he was sick. And the SNORING FEST began... And I couldn't find my phone. And Find My IPhone couldn't find my phone..... I went downstairs to sleep, fearing I would oversleep since I didn't have my alarm. I heard the church bells ring 2 - 3 - and then the DH came down for a coughing, throat-clearing, fest and a chat with the cat... I could have STABBED HIM!!!
"What are you doing down here?" he asks....
"I can't sleep with the snoring and I can't find my phone !!!"
"Oh, it was on the bed so I put it on my dresser..." (and he thoughtfully shut it off!!!!)

The church bell rang 4. I was up for the day. He went back to bed with his medicine - because he "definitely thinks he caught that flu" *cough* *hack*.

I took the dog for a walk, stood in the shower for a bit and woke the kids for school. As usual we were late... WTF!

I have no idea how I'll make it through the weekend without going just a little crazy... A part of me wants to run away and check into a hotel. But wait... It's BIRTHDAY time for both my girls - so I pull up my Huggies and put on a pleasant face. I pray for sleep tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. Bless your heart! What an ordeal, just one thing after the other, when sleep deprived, ugh! My heart really goes out to you. I hope you've been able to catch up on some sleep. Horns from oncoming traffic are serious alarm bells. Take care of you!