Friday, November 04, 2016

Deep Breath...

It's the weekend of the teen's play. She's excited and anxious and nervous; and I'm excited and proud of her for really putting her all into this production. And I'm a mom so I worry... There are a million "what ifs" running through my mind. It's Shakespeare - Will people go?  Will my family show up? Will she remember her lines? Will the set changes run smoothly? Will she be OK if something is not? 


Yesterday I was slightly over my calorie limit - although the calories I consumed were all from real food. I've hit my steps on 6 of the last 7 days and I'm going to do my best to push my average back over 12K by tomorrow (the 5 mile run is good for that!). 

I'm wearing tight pants; and the t-shirt under my sweater keeps riding up. It's uncomfortable. "Remember this - you don't like feeling like this!"

Whatever it takes to stay on track.

The weekend could be stressful. I need to be mindful; enjoy what is good and breath through the rest!

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