Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Post Christmas Wrap Up...

First the predictions.... 
  • A.) He will spend too much on something I don't want and then be mad if I return it; or
  • B.) He will buy something too small  because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings by getting me the size I need (which is big), or 
  • C.) He will buy something like a jazzed up bike computer that I won't ever learn how to use; and find completely unnecessary; and he will take it... Think Homer Simpson buying Marge the latest and greatest bowling ball... 
And the results...

When he took the 14 year old to buy her present to me - a wristlet that I had showed her a few weeks ago, the DH assumed that if I wanted the wristlet I must want the matching bag and while he was there he'd pick up another (because they were so reasonable...). I got up yesterday morning and asked for the receipt so I could return it... "Wow! You're returning everything?!" with the mad, why do I even try face... 

I asked for Under Armour cold weather running tights in size large and a hat with a hole for a pony tail. Check But he also bought 2 winter weight running jackets (I already have one?!) and another pair of tights... not really my colors or what I wanted but -- "they didn't have much left, hope you like them..." Thankfully he gave me all the receipts so I can return them next week and get something I want or need - like a base layer or some running mittens... which were also on the list... 

That's his Christmas.... Oh, and he made a production about "paying" the teen to wrap all of my presents....

On Christmas morning...  My stocking was empty! NO JOKE! and he said not a word, and neither did I. 

We have a lot of Marriage Counseling in our future. And for my New Year's Resolution I will stop the husband rants.... I'm sure my therapist would tell me that no matter how gratifying it feels to dump it all out here, it's probably not helpful for fixing a busted marriage.

And I knew what would happen Christmas morning with the DH and did not let him ruin my time with my mom and kids. The girls were happy with their big gifts - new riding boots and an Iphone... My mom gave them a Keurig... We ate homemade banana bread with cream cheese and played a game. We prepped for my sisters house and hit the road with the dog. We had a decent day at my sister's - because I ignored DH falling asleep on the couch from too much vodka... and the bitching about the kids on the way for singing to loud on the way home because his head hurt... 

AND the diet... I didn't get a total case of the F-its, but I didn't eat clean either... I ate toffee and drank egg nog yesterday... On Christmas it was 2 cookies, gingerbread, chocolate mousse and apple pie... and wine... On Christmas eve I was good except for a piece of gingerbread.... One thing I did accomplish was making sure to hit my step goals each day and not eating to exploding... It's something right? 

Today I am fasting. Really. Tomorrow I am weighing myself per usual. Whatever it says, it says and it's not how I wanted to end the year. Oh well. Try harder. Thankfully New Years isn't a big celebration so I shouldn't have to worry about another overeating event... I have to get my priorities straight. I let my emotions get the better of me and I looked to food this weekend. FOOD IS NOT THE ANSWER and it never has been the answer. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a day you were at least able to enjoy in a lot of ways, even if challenged here and there. Sorry for the challenges part. So glad the kids liked their gifts - that's the most fun part anyways, right?!

Your stocking comment ... I forgot my husband's stocking this year!!! Just completely forgot. I had the yoga trip thing the week before and that kind of blanked me out but I feel so crappy about it. Ugh, sorry that happened to you, that is a bummer! I feel like I owe my husband double stocking next year.

Hang in there. Marriage counseling sounds like it might help - also most of us can use help from time to time. No shame in it.

Good for you for fasting! I always hate fasting, but am reconsidering adding it in again. Eager to hear how it goes.