Thursday, June 22, 2017

Weigh in Thursday...

190.7 was this morning's official weight, and I'm working on 4 straight days of consistency. I'm having a protein shake for breakfast; coffee; salad for lunch and dinner if I'm hungry or I've been grazing until I hit my daily limits, which isn't such a good habit. Baby steps...

I've felt pretty energetic this week and tackled a few projects including helping my mom clear her backyard of brush and planting her flowers...

The ticks are really horrible this year. I ended up picking several off my clothes and found one embedded in my leg last night  - yuck.

School officially ended yesterday and the girls seemed to disappear... One went to the beach overnight and the little one slept at her friends and is spending the day at the barn. The DH came home late last night so I was all by myself. The teen leaves for camp Saturday morning and she'll be gone until mid-August. I'm already starting to miss her. The little one is much more of a teenager this year, so I'm going to have to find more things to do to occupy my time. I will not eat my way through the summer.

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