Tuesday, August 29, 2017


We have a visitor for two days. He's a great kid - a friend of my daughter's from camp - couch surfing until his visa runs out and he returns to the UK. AND... Our house is not meant for company. It's small and "guest quarters" is our family room right off the kitchen. I can't do laundry; can't put the lights on in the morning; feel awkward about moving through my house because I don't want to wake him up. I know it's only two days, but it's the two days before school starts which are always hectic...and they are the last of the stress free summer mornings. I walk the dog and enjoy a solitary coffee before work...in the family room. Meh.

Yesterday was the cats/dog vet trip. After work - starving - I ran around the house, gathered the pets and headed out with a banana. On return, I ate a big salad for dinner, a handful of granola, blueberries and almond milk. I finished the day with an unnecessary bag of veggie straws, but was still under my points.

Today is weigh day. I drank my body weight in coffee, some bacon for breakfast, handful of granola, and then 8 point egg bites for lunch at Starbucks (which are so yummy!). I hope the scale won't care about today's intake, but consider the week in whole. It was pretty darn good. This is my fourth weigh in and I finish out the month. I would like the total to be somewhat respectable.

1 comment:

Enz said...

You have had a great month. You turned it around!