Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A Reset?

I was falling into an old habit... Eat too much... Restrict.... Weigh.... This is not a sustainable plan and the whole cycle was making me crazy. After the CAKE Sunday I started devising a plan to not eat Monday or Tuesday until after I weighed in. A good nights sleep helped me realize how stupid this process was becoming and I got off that proverbial bus.


I will not go to WW this week. I will not stress over the scale. I roasted squash and brussel sprouts; grilled chicken breasts, and cut up cucumbers. I had an ice cream cone last night, but no dinner. It was a decent eating day. This morning I'm grocery shopping for the rest of the week. Real food, no junk, and a plan to continue logging my food and being accountable to myself.

I made a date with a friend to go to a new yoga studio tonight. There's no getting out of it. I am going no matter what!  It will be good... once I'm there. I don't know why I'm so anxious about it.

I need  to take better care of me. I need to find something to do during the week other than walking the dog. Maybe this new yoga place will be good. Stress lately is awful and winter is coming! I can't hibernate - I have to keep moving!!!!


Anonymous said...

Taking a reset and reshifting priorities sounds great. Those food plans sound healthy and good. Hope you enjoy your yoga class tonight! Remember it doesn't matter what happens on any other mat besides your own. No competition, just inquiring into your own body, finding what feels good and, for a challenge, finding and working at your edge. Your OWN edge, no one else's. Enjoy. Namaste.

MyStalkerIsFat said...

Going grocery shopping and making sure I have lots of good options (like fruit for snacks) has helped immensely this first week of tracking Weight Watchers points. Good luck with your reset!