Friday, November 03, 2017

Getting My Zen On...

Proud of myself for going to yoga last night. I could have easily gone home and... Instead, I got home at 9 p.m. and went right to bed. I had a great food day... And now the weekend. I need to be disciplined. I have no planned dinners out. I *should* be able to grocery shop; make healthy meals and stay within my points. I'm running tomorrow morning and signing up for Yin Yoga Sunday morning. The teen has her fall production so I'll be full on "theater mom" helping with concessions or watching... I'm really proud of where my teen is right now.  She had a great first quarter, is applying to college with confidence, and has a seasonal job to pay her way...

Meanwhile the little one is... making me a little nuts. I guess that means she's normal.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Found you on Enz blog. I do my yoga at home, but I think a class would be fun.