Monday, December 04, 2017

It's just how it is right now...

It's busy and stress-filled and I'm trying to figure out how best to manage, enjoy the season and make it through December. I really don't like the holidays; but I don't want to hurt my kids or wreck it for them. They want to decorate; I am more minimalist... They want to make cookies; I can't stand baking, I don't want the temptation, and I hate messes. What a SCROOGE I am!

Add to that - We have to drive to Pittsburgh, Harrisburg and back to New England all in 48 hours this weekend. I'm worried about my dog (she gets stressed when we're away). The drive is killer and it's not for fun. The in-laws are increasing their expectations and the DH is getting more overwhelmed; and he's already prickly with work. It is the recipe for crazy car experience.... breathe.

I have my last class tonight, homework and the final due next Monday.

The DH's car (the one we're taking) is overdue for service and going into the garage tomorrow. We probably need tires. My car got a flat last week so I bought 2 new tires and now it looks like the brakes are shot b/c it's making a horrible noise. It will be in the garage Wednesday.... Yes, MONEY we don't have, we have to spend two weeks before Christmas...

I've decided to cancel my WW monthly pass. I'm clearly not following the program. My scale is busted. I didn't go to yoga last week - no time... no money. Oh, the girls broke the printer, which will have to wait til next year. I'm trying to figure out how to reign in the spending.

Oh, and there's my weight. I feel gross. I need to DO something... anything...


MyStalkerIsFat said...

I cancelled WW to save the money. Have you seen the new points system they are getting ready to start? I don't know much about it, just got an email about it since I'm still on their list.

I am not a fan of Christmas either, and I go through the motions so the kids still have fun, so I am a Scrooge too!

Lynne said...

It's all just overwhelming! Here's to January!!!