Friday, January 12, 2018

A Picture...

I went to DH's Work New Year's party last night. It was my official introduction to many of his co-workers and of course I wanted to make a good impression. I shopped for a dress, found some boots and ended up wearing something I already had in my closet...

I was comfortable and felt like I looked OK until we walked into the venue and it hit me... I am a frumpy, middle-aged woman! I can't do anything about getting older, but geez... I could have used a stylist; and the pictures... ugh!... I feel fat... I am fat... I don't like it; but it's where I am right now. I want to change.

SO it's off to yoga in less than an hour with or without the little one; moody as usual, but not as bad as yesterday... I take what I can get! The teen took off to a concert in the city so I'll be up all night making sure she gets home safe. I had to let her go; as hard as it is - she's 18... she's got to find her own way...

I ate fairly well yesterday other than red wine at the party and finger foods - spanikopita, mini vegi rolls, mini spring rolls... and 4 chicken nuggets. The party was supposed to offer "heavy hor d'ouevres" but we left starving and the only option was McFood - horrible.

Today I found a new favorite option at Panera - their quinoa/lentil bowl with Chicken. The broth is delicious. It's very filling... just yum. I'm on track to have a great food day if I can hold it all together. I am living one day at a time these days. I am a girl still in search of a plan. Tomorrow it's coffee with my running crew; not running because weather forecast is calling for torrential rains. I'm going to make sure to either get to the gym at some point to RUN. I need to start something. I need cardio. I need to string several good days together. I need progress, results, some mojo. UGH.

1 comment:

TheAgonyOfBeingFat said...

Getting older is no fun:( I think you look great in that picture though! We tend to be our own biggest critics.

Mmmmmm...Panera is so delicious. If only they weren't so expensive.