Sunday, May 27, 2018

Run to Remember and slipping a bit....

This morning the little one, my sister and I ran the Run to Remember - 5 MILER. I actually felt pretty good, though my sister did not so I hung with her and "wogged". Part of me wishes I had just gone for it, but I know I did the right thing. Our goal for the day was no stress, and finish. I had zero expectations. I haven't been running consistently so as long as I crossed the finish I was fine. I'm fine.

It was a good morning. Since its a raw, damp 50 degrees, I made a pot of turkey chili - perfect for warming up and everyone's happy. I may enjoy a nap since its raining now and gardening is out of the question. 

I've been eating more than I would like and not according to the original plan... no fruit, sugar, processed food, gluten free. I've had watermelon, strawberries, blueberries and grapes. I've had flavored yogurt (added sugar, fruit), and I even ate a biscuit - though regretted it mightily since it made me physically ill - lesson learned.

It's been so hard  - I was at a conference all last week with meals provided and little choice. I've been getting home late too with no motivation to cook and 'hangry' for dinner since it's later than I normally eat. I have to suck it up and get back on track. I also have to get on the scale. June 17 is my next appointment. I don't want to disappoint the doctor - who has been so impressed with my weight loss and commitment... yeah, right.

I need to deal with my stress. The DH totaled his car last week so we're forced to buy a new one at a very sub-optimal time. I hate all things dealing with money we don't have... STRESS... The teen's graduation is fast approaching as is the party the following week. I feel like I have too much... meh. 

And I have to suck it up and get back on track. That means the scale. It's Sunday, so I'll give myself a few days to get back to it and will weigh in Wednesday. Hold me to it!


Enz said...

I will check back Wednesday! I think being aware is a huge part of the battle.

Sarah said...

Don't let the stress knock you off track.